thanks, I'll try that.

more problems I'm facing is setting the image internal data type, I've seen
in the examples setting the internal type to 3 or 4. what does it mean? how
do I set it to float or int?
and I couldn't read from the image even that I used code very similar to
osgprerender example :(, the image->data() return buffer filled with

but thanks anyway,
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Donovan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "OpenSceneGraph Users" <>
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 3:43 PM
Subject: Re: [osg-users] multipass & calculating with shaders

> > second, I want to render single or several (4 - 8) values which represnt
some calculation. So I use render to texture. The texture is 1D and to
render to it I use orthographic projection, and the viewport fits to the
texture dimension. The geometry I render is points. One point per
calculation, and each point should result as one pixel. Is this the right
way? I has to set the point size to 1.5 to see anything, any ideas why?
> It sounds like you need to offset your point centres by 0.5 I don't have
> spec in front of me, but I think you've got to shift it in the positive
> direction on both axes, but you may have to play with the signs until it
works :)
> -J
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