Hi Robert,

Thanks for the reply. To answer your question, glew is being used by a 
3rd-party library which I can't modify and which I'm integrating with my OSG 
stuff so I have to accommmodate it.


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robert Osfield
Sent: 18 October 2007 19:14
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] glew and graphics contexts

Hi Wills,

Since osgViewer by default will multi-thread the main thread calling
the realize() won't be the graphics thread so your glew call will

If you want to init glew then do it in a realize operation - see
osgshaderterrain for an example of this.

I have to ask way are you trying to use glew?  The OSG manages
extensions checking all itself and in a way that is thread safe and
robust w.r.t multiple graphics contexts.


On 10/18/07, Wills Alan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If I have the following ...
> // ..create traits ...
> osg::GraphicsContext* gc =
> osg::GraphicsContext::createGraphicsContext(traits);
> gc->realize();
> gc->makeCurrent();
> GLenum err = glewInit();
> if (err != GL_OK)
>     // error msg.
> else
>     // ok
> ... then all is well.  But if I do ...
> osgViewer::Viewer viewer.
> viewer.setUpViewOnSingleScreen(0);
> viewer.realize();
> GLenum err = glewInit();
> if (err != GL_OK)
>     // error msg.
> else
>     // ok
> I get an error:  "Missing GL version"
> I'm checking the viewer's graphics context by doing
> std::vector<osg::GraphicsContext*> contexts;
> viewer->getContexts(contexts);
> with results:
> contexts.size() = 1;
> contexts[0]->isRealized() = 1;
> contexts[0]->isCurrent() = 1;
> but glewInit() returns an error.  What have I missed?
> Thanks,
> Alan.
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