Hi Santosh,

On 11/1/07, santosh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I had created a HUD for text display and added in the root node. For
> multiple screen display I added the slaves in viewer.
> Now I am getting the text on every slave camera which I don't want. I
> want it to be in  only one display.
> What sould I do for this ?

osgViewer::CompositeViewer can do this by just placing the HUD views
on each window you required.  Alternatively you can do this using
Viewer and slave cameras.  For the HUD Cameras you simply assign it to
the GraphicsWindow you want it to appear.

Doing it in the scene graph is possible, and in the past as the be the
most straight forward way of doing it - but it has the draw back that
every main camera will have the nested HUD camera in it.

The osghud example in 2.x illustrate al these combinations.

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