Ok. Thanks for the reply. Followup question: Is there an automagic way
to determine what this last camera is or do I need to keep track of
that myself?

Is it reasonable to attach a camera to the scenegraph set as the
"last" camera just for capture purposes? I wouldn't think there would
be much overhead incurred, but never hurts to ask.

On Nov 23, 2007 12:46 AM, Berg, Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> sherman wilcox wrote:
> > I want to capture my OSG screen and dump it to a jpeg or png file. My
> > understanding is to attach a callback to the main osgViewer camera and
> > perform a osg::Image::readPixels(...) from within the callback. That
> > works in the simple case. But, if I have a basic HUD that is itself a
> > camera alongside other nodes in the scenegraph, then I never see the
> > HUD in my osg::Image::readPixels call. That would make sense since my
> > callback is operating on the main camera and not my child node
> > camera....but leaves the question of how do I perform a "complete"
> > screen capture on a graph with multiple cameras?
> >
> > Is there an example I missed?
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> Sherman,
> I recently ran into the same problem on this list.
> Robert Osfield responded with some comments on how it might one-day be
> done more cleanly, but that "Until these methods are added, you'll need
> to make do with a post draw callback on the last camera to be drawn."
> If your HUD is the last camera drawn, set the post draw callback on your
> HUD camera, and it will be a complete screen capture.
> - Michael
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