Continuation records are great when writing out FLT files but a ***** when
reading them back in - I had to abandon upgrading some proprietary FLT
reader code because it required a complete rewrite of the FLT file decoder
just to support this one new record type.

The FLT file record structure requires every record to include a known
length not exceeding 1024 bytes, so all the decoder had to do was read the
correct number of bytes from the file into a 1024 byte buffer and then start
processing the record. The existing FLT record structure was retained with
no hint to give advance warning the current record has a following
continuation record.

The only way I saw to support this record type was to strip out the entire
file reading mechanism and craft/hack/jam in a new layer that assembled
internal records from one or more FLT file records, and then sent each
internal record into the decoder core. Unfortunately this broke the entire
design which was based on a long winded "while( !eof() ) { readrecord();
processrecord() }" architecture.


  -----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Paul Martz
  Sent: 06 December 2007 21:56
  To: 'OpenSceneGraph Users'
  Subject: [osg-users] OpenFlight Continuation Record support

  Hi Brede -- I see the current OpenFlight importer doesn't support
Continuation Records. I haven't looked at what it would take to add it, but
wondered what your thoughts were? Was this left out because it wasn't a
requirement, or because it didn't fit into the design?

  I'm finding I need it for large LocalVertexPool records. I wonder if it
could be supported on a record-by-record basis... Thoughts?

  Paul Martz
  Skew Matrix Software LLC
  303 859 9466
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