I agree, the most logical path (and I think we have discussed this quite a
few times before) is to merge osgCal (with its better rendering back-end),
with the higher functionality of ReplicantBody.

Starting from scratch with a completely osg-native CA engine is a rather
large task which I dont think is worth the effort right now. CA is focused
quite a lot around a working pipeline. Im not saying the Cal3D exporters are
in any case optimal, but they sure do the trick...

If the "new" osgCal, or whatever name it will have can make benefit of a
tight osg connection, together with the high-level functionality of rbody,
I  think this is a good start.

Then when its working, it can be re-factored to meet other functionality.

We will actually have some time in the beginning of next year to look over
ReplicantBody and perhaps the integration/merge of osgCal rendering...


On Dec 9, 2007 7:18 PM, Jan Ciger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Robert Osfield wrote:
> > I am "aware" of both osgCal and ReplicantBody body am not very
> > familiar with the code bases/current feature sets.
> >
> > I would like to see consolidation of related functionality.  There is
> > also the osgCharacter library out in the the community section that
> > could be considered in terms of functionality.
> osgCharacter is more an experiment in hardware skinning than a useful
> tool IMHO, it doesn't have even the basic animation-related
> functionality. Moreover, I do not think that it is maintained any more.
> > I do wonder if something like osgCal could be the basis for a more
> > generic osgAnimation library.  Items like key frame animation would be
> > great to support, as well as skeletal animation like in Cal3D.   It be
> > desirable to integrate Cal3D style functionality directly within such
> > a library and do away with the external dependency.  This is longer
> > term speculation though, we need to walk before we can run, so having
> > some character animation support would be a good first step.
> osgCal is essentially only a tiny rendering wrapper on top of Cal3D.
> Cal3D does the animation (loading, interpolation, blending, mixing ...)
> and calculates the skinned mesh for you if you want, but you need to
> provide your own rendering code. That is what osgCal does - it takes
> pre-calculated data from Cal3D and renders them using either
> osg::Geometry or more recently using some shader code to do the skinning
> in hardware. There are other renderers, even some using DirectX based on
> Cal3D.
> On the other hand Replicant is providing some higher level functionality
> on top of Cal3D - such as ground following, including calculation of the
> correct translation speed to avoid feet sliding. However, it has its own
> rendering back-end, not using osgCal at the moment. This would be good
> thing to merge, because osgCal rendering is quite a bit faster.
> I am not sure what are you referring to when speaking about "keyframe
> animation", though. Do you mean 3D morphing of meshes? I would keep that
> separate, it is a completely different beast with different problems
> than skeletal animation. Animation of an inflating baloon is quite
> different issue than animation of a human or an octopus :)
> Regards,
> Jan
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