On Dec 10, 2007 12:40 PM, Pettersson Håkan
> > Hello
> >
> > How do I calculate the yaw angle that my cameraManipulator is
> > pointg at   (-PI to +PI) ???

This question is open to lots of interpretation, first up what are you
defining the yaw angle against? Is your data geocentric or another
coordinate frame?  Relative to north, south?  Clockwise
anti-clockwise?  Since the question is so open ended the OSG doesn't
try and guess at what convertion one might use but leaves the users to
decide and use the lower level methods to get the result they want.

In general, operations available are to get the view matrix from the
viewer's camera i..e

  osg::Matrixd& view  = viewer.getCamera()->getViewMatrix();

Then there a who range of osg::Matrixd methods available, and the
osg::Quat class as well.

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