Hi Wojciech,

You said that OSG examples work but not your application ? Is there
something really different in your project configuration ?
And what is you system ? WinXP or Vista ?

I have tested this plugin configuration with my app and the OSG examples
without any problem on my WinXP dev machine, a fresh WinXP install without
redistributables or VS installed, and a Vista without redistributables nor
VS8. And I havn't change nothing to my app or the examples to make it work.
I have never seen before your errors, it is really weird. :/

If your problem persist I think I will add an option to CMake to choose to
build the manifests or not.

On Dec 10, 2007 5:19 PM, Wojciech Lewandowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Hi,
> I just have updated from SVN and rebuilt OSG. It looks like OSG examples
> work but when I try to run my application, all plugin DLLs are not loaded
> due to missing manifests. I think I understand the idea to avoid manifests
> and MS runtime DLL problems in Plugins but it looks like it caused exactly
> opposite results for me.
> For some time I have learned to live with manifests and stay quite
> happy. So I am not very experienced in writing my own manifests or
> overcoming problems with not found Redistributable DLLs. All I always had to
> do: was loading Redistirutable setup and installing it.
> So I expect that proponents of this change will know how to configure
> system to use "new" plugins. I did brief research in microsoft websites got
> some puzzling answers, tried few methods but without success. I tried to
> copy msvcp80.dll, msvcr80.dll into my apllication lib but I get the error
> about DLLs loaded without manifests. If I add manifest add manifest file
> from WinSxS redist to my app directory I get different error message.
> What should I do to make it work ?
> I use VS 80 SP1. OSG examples seem to load the plugins. When I use my
> aplication in different directory plugins are not loaded. Error hapens when
> osgDB tries to load osgdb_jpg.dll to load our splash screen. OSG dlls are
> not copied into app dir but loaded from system PATH.
> Attached are screenshots with the error messages.
> Regards, Thanks for any help,
> Wojtek Lewandowski
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