On Mon, 2007-12-10 at 20:50 +0000, Robert Hansford wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm writing a little application which renders images to texture and
> passes them out to a Matlab program.  So far it all works fine, but I
> was wondering if there is any way I can get rid of the window that
> appears when the application is running.  It doesn't display anything
> as the only camera in the scene graph is set up for RTT, so its just a
> bit untidy.  I'm running windows XP if that makes any difference. 
> Thanks

Surprisingly, something like this is more difficult to do on each OS
(and the case of Linux, WindowManager) than you might imagine! I'm
guessing OSG doesn't currently support this with it's 3 main
GraphicsWindow{Carbon,X11,Win32} classes, but I'm not 100% sure. The
latest SVN version of SDL has a function called SDL_HideWindow, which
purports to do what you want as well...

As a sort-of workaround you could add a small osgText::Text object that
shows some spinning "Please Wait..." text, along with setting the
OSG_WINDOW variable to your desired orthographic size. This way, it'll
look like you meant to open that window. Or you could put some fancy
stats in there and whatnot... :)

Not an acceptable solution in every case, but maybe a humorous one!

> Rob.
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