I'm really excited about this, especially the inclusion of the environment
variable reference (which you've seen me pouring my sweat in to these past
few weeks). Previously undocumented, OSG's environment variables are a
powerful debugging and tuning mechanism that all OSG developers should be
familiar with.  Order now at http://www.osgbooks.com. A full press release
OpenSceneGraph Reference Manual v2.2 Book Now Available
Ann Arbor, Michigan, and Louisville, Colorado, December 13, 2007--Blue Newt
Software and Skew Matrix Software are pleased to announce the publication
and immediate availability of OpenSceneGraph Reference Manual v2.2,
documenting the current release of the cross-platform OpenGL-based scene
graph API. The 640-page book is available both as a PDF file and softbound.
Bob Kuehne (Blue Newt Software) and Paul Martz (Skew Matrix Software)
co-edited the book.
OpenSceneGraph Reference Manual v2.2 is the fourth book in the
OpenSceneGraph Programming Series. OpenSceneGraph Quick Start Guide,
OpenSceneGraph Reference Manual v2.0, and OpenSceneGraph Reference Manual
v1.2 are also available.
The new book includes an overview of OpenSceneGraph (OSG), changes in the
new v2.2 release, and a complete reference for all environment variables
that OSG uses. It fully documents all public methods and function parameters
in the three core OSG libraries, osg, osgDB, and osgUtil. The reference
chapters are generated directly from the OSG source code using Doxygen. The
Doxygen configuration files were heavily enhanced to produce a high-quality,
readable reference and eliminate clutter.
You can order both electronic and softbound editions now at
About the Editors
Bob Kuehne is a graphics consultant, entrepreneur, engineer, and head of the
graphics consultancy, Blue Newt Software. He is the author of OpenGL
Programming on Mac OS X. For more information, visit
Paul Martz is a 3D graphics software engineer, consultant, and president of
Skew Matrix Software. He is the author of OpenGL Distilled and
OpenSceneGraph Quick Start Guide. For more information, visit
Bob and Paul collaborate on many OSG development, consulting, training, and
technical writing projects. Visit their Web pages for additional
Blue Newt Software, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Skew Matrix Software, Louisville, Colorado, USA
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