Hi Hannes


> what "world" are you using in flightgear? i still think it would make
> sense if http://csp.sourceforge.net/ and fg share the same world. :)

FlightGear uses a toolchain called "TerraGear" to create a compressed
Scenery format (we call it .btg) out of raster elevation and landuse
vector data [1]. With no exception the current terrain surface consists
of an irregular triangle mesh:


Recent development in FlightGear/OSG maybe will lead us to the ability
of loading every scenery-like format that is supported by OSG. Probably
Tim likes to comment on this because he's the one who's mostly carrying
out this work.

I acknowledge that it might make much sense to share one "world" among
CSP and FlightGear. Yet I have no idea how CSP terrain is organized and
if they would like to share development resources with FlightGear. To
my (past) knowledge of CSP this project explicitly aims at a goal and
at an audience which are meant to be intentionally different from those
of FlightGear.

[1]: The 'official' web page of this TerraGear toolchain is here:


....  but in fact almost no development is taking place there any more.
You'll find the most actively maintained set of TerraGear tools here:


Actually we've just started the process of reconsidering the design of
these tools and we certainly will think about improving the current
Scenery format. BUT you have to consider that FlightGear Scenery is a
pretty big tanker. We're talking about approx. 20 GByte of uncompressed
Scenery at pretty low resolution landuse and road data for the whole
world now. Future development should take into account that the World
Scenery might become magnitudes bigger once we start using higly
detailed raw data all over the place.
So pretty much care should be taken when considering the migration to a
new format.

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