Hi J-S,

Can you try to use a ref pointer instead of the regular pointer for
"osg::Shader* shader". I believe I encountered exactly this issue when
working on the PSSM, please see a patch that I sent +/- a week ago.

The shader was not cleaned up in the case of PSSM, and hence the new one
was not created.

bye bye

> Hello,
> I am using osgShadow::ShadowMap. Shadows show up fine, but I am trying
> to change shaders on it, and it doesn't react to my changes.
> I've even added this code to try some things out, in my frame loop:
>          static int f = 0;
>          if (f == 200)    // After 200 frames
>          {
>              // sm is the osg::ref_ptr<osgShadow::ShadowMap> that is used.
>              float size = 4096;
>              sm->setTextureSize(osg::Vec2s(size, size));
>              sm->setAmbientBias(osg::Vec2(0.0, 0.0));
>              sm->clearShaderList();
>              osg::Shader* shader = new osg::Shader(osg::Shader::FRAGMENT);
>              shader->loadShaderSourceFromFile("shader.frag");    //
> outputs red
>              sm->addShader(shader);
>              sm->dirty();
>          }
>          f++;
> Note that I am calling sm->dirty()... Out of those lines, only the
> change in texture size takes effect. The other two (change ambient
> bias to a value that should be very visible, and change shaders to one
> that outputs all red pixels) do not appear to take effect.
> If it makes a difference, we are using osgViewer::CompositeViewer. The
> scene graph is
> Group
>      Some osgText::Text objects
>      ShadowedScene
>          Group
>              The rest of the scene
> I have done the same thing in the osgShadow example, and the changes
> take effect! So I am wondering what would cause something like that.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance,
> J-S
> --
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