
I am using OSG with wx and I am getting a strange bug on my  canvas when
dragging and dropping on the canvas, specifically after resizing the
canvas.  So initially after the canvas is resized and I drag and drop, items
show up in the wrong place.  Then I click once on the canvas and then when I
drag and drop they show up in the write place, as if clicking
initializes/fixes something, then everything works.  I tried sending my own
wxMouseEvent in every size event, and the event does get handled by the
osgGA::EventQueue, however that doesnt work.  Only actually clicking on the
canvas fixes the problem. The code that reports the wrong values is:
osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::getWorldIntersectPoint().  After clicking
once on the canvas, the same code reports correct values!  Anyone crossed
this before, or any ideas what it could be?  I wouldn't even qualify as a
OSG novice, so any tips would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advancce

Tamer El Nashar

VRSonic Inc.
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