On Jan 21, 2008 8:12 PM, Buckley, Bob CTR MDA/IC
> If I remember right, John Rohlf is the author of KML.
> He, along with Jim Helman, are the fathers of the modern day Scene Graph
> (i.e., Performer).
> Ah, Geek Trivia!

Paul Speed
> He's probably referring to the Google Earth mark-up language:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keyhole_Markup_Language
> http://code.google.com/apis/kml/documentation/
> (Why K for "Keyhole"?  Well, because that is the product that google
> bought to make Google earth.)

For those who love trivia, Don Burns used to work at Keyhole, in
between working at SGI and setting up Andes Engineering.  I also
almost went to work at Keyhole... but decided to set up OpenSceneGraph
Prof. Serv. instead...

If I had you'd all have to be using Vega Prime, OpenSG or one of the
game engines by now!

Funny how the wobbly world goes around ;-)

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