
This is a Call for Participation for the Summer Computer Simulation
Conference (SCSC'08) conference in Edinburgh, Scotland on June 16-19, 2008

The Society for Modeling and Simulation international (http://www.scs.org)
is the sponsor of a Simulation conference [Summer Computer Simulation
Conference (SCSC'08)] at the 2008 International Simulation Multi-conference
& 2008 Summer Simulation Multiconference (SummerSim'08). 
Other conferences in the multi-conference are the  International Symposium
on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems
(SPECTS'08) and the Grand Challenges in Modeling & Simulation (GCMS'08)

There is a "Computer Graphics for Simulation" Paper Track at the SCSC 08
conference. One of the main topic areas in the Track is Web3D and

The conference is being held in Europe and so may be of particular interest
to European Web3D, Collada and Game researchers. Web3D, Collada and game
researchers, along with researchers in scenegraph's and scengraph
applications to simulation are encouraged to submit papers. Papers can be
full papers or "work in progress/short" papers related to Web3D, Collada,
Scenegraph's and games related to industrial or general simulation. Don't be
shy. You can also submit papers on general Computer Graphics Topics. Authors
can also submit High resolution images for a Scientific Visualization
Contest. Visit the above links for more details.

Topic Areas: (See official call for subtopics within topic areas)
General Computer Graphics.
Web3D and Simulation.
Computational Grids for Simulation.
3-D Modeling and Animation Systems use in Simulation.
Art and Esthetics in Simulation.

Key dates
Submission of Full Papers (full, short, applications)    March 30, 2008
Notification of Acceptance                               April 27, 2008
Final Camera-Ready Submission and Early Registration     May 15, 2008

John F. Richardson

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