Hello Roni,
>> For example indexing an array like this:
>> arr[ind]
>> works fine for the vertex shader, but doesn't compile on the fragment
>> shader, saying that the index has to be constant, so that arr[ind] is
>> not
>> allowed, but arr[3] is ok.
>> However, since I'm using long arrays (70 elements), I don't know how
> to
>> work
>> around this limitation.
>> Any ideas

Stupid suggestion, perhaps you can do this? (not sure you can pass an 
array to a function, but worth a try...)

    vec4 indexArray(vec4[n] array, int i)
        if (i == 0) return array[0];
        if (i == 1) return array[1];
        // ...
        // error add more indices to the function!

Then call

    vec4 value = indexArray(arr, ind);

Just to work around the limitation...

Let me know if you try this, I'd be interested to know if it works.


Jean-Sebastien Guay    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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