
Just wanted to let you know that it appears to be working.  I had the
two tif files that you have and the following BMNG tar which I


The osgdem program has been generating *.ive files for 4 days now.  I
hope it finishes soon.  These are the 500m images and there are eight of
them that create the image of the entire world.  I am not sure if the
osgdem program is actually using these or not.  

Here is the command I used:

osgdem --bluemarble-west -t ../land_shallow_topo_west.tiff
--bluemarble-east -t ../land_shallow_topo_east.tiff--geocentric -l 12 -o

I got this command from the webpage that I downloaed the tif files from,  It also stated that the
following example uses Earth as a directory and has the blue marble
images in the directory above the Earth directory.  Then it had the
command I used above following.  Since I am learning could someone tell
me how much data should be generated?  Or can you tell by the command.


On Sat, 2008-02-02 at 09:58 -0600, Philip Hahn wrote:
> Group,
> I realize Virtual Planet Builder is in a state of flux. Is it possible
> to use either 0.9.1 or 0.9.4 to create an earth model, similar to the
> older version of osgdem?
> I tried last night (tweaking the input syntax which apparently
> changed), but basically got garbage out. Could someone give me a valid
> syntax for such an operation using the land_shallow_topo_west and
> land_shallow_topo_east .tiff's (or recommending a different overlay
> image with a known working syntax)?
> Eventually I'd like a model that has actual terrain heights but for
> now a spheroid with imagery overlay is sufficient!
> Thanks,
> Philip
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