Hello Samuele,

> i am newbie for OSG; my initial goal is write a program
> to load point could file and pick a point.
> I tried to use the example osgpick with .3dc file format.
> The program osgpick reads the file and displays the point cloud
> but does not select any point.

In addition to what Adrian said (that osgpick focuses on triangles), I 
believe (but have never done it, so I might be wrong) that you can pick 
points using a PolytopeIntersector. Unfortunately this is not very 
documented. Have a look at how the osgpick example's source sets up a 
LineSegmentIntersector, and try to do the same thing for a 
PolytopeIntersector (setting up a valid polytope for what you want).

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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