Hello OSG users:

I am wondering what OSG can provide in solving the following problem:

Given a scene with on the order of 100s of simple geometry elements
(perhaps osg::Box types) and given an (x,y,z) position in that scene,
I'd like

1) A list of all polygonal planes that are *visible* from the given
point (in all directions).  For example, if the scene consisted of a
single Box (a building), and the given point was near a corner at the
base of that box, I'd like to know the two polygons describing the two
visible faces of the box (sides of the building).  If a portion of the
box was occluded (by other geometry in the scene), I'd like the
polygon that describes only the visible portion.  I am basically
interested in knowing the surface area of all the visible geometry in
the scene.

2) The distance from the given point to a point on the visible surface.

3) Color information associated with each visible surface plane.

Could someone suggest parts of the OSG API I should learn in order to
solve this problem?  Do you think OSG is the right tool for this sort
of analysis?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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