Hello everyone,

I have a few questions regarding the osg file format (and the blender export
plugin), and I couldn't find the answer when searching the mailing list
archive (for this mailing list or the blender mailing lists + forums) and

Short intro / background: I am trying to write a small game using blender
for creating the 3d content and openscenegraph for the real-time
visualization. I am using version 2.44 of blender and 2.2.0 of osg (checked
out from svn). My environment is kubuntu 7.10.

So I have three questions that I hope someone can help me with:

1) I haven't been able to get the camera information (position +
orientation) into the osg file when I export from blender. Looking at the
python code for the exporter, it seems it ignores the camera nodes
completely. Does anyone know if this is a limitation in the osg file format,
or the blender plugin, or neither? I haven't been able to find camera info
in any of the .osg files in the OpenSceneGraph-Data-2.0 archive.

2) How do people normally use the osg file format in their projects? Many
.osg files with one mesh in each, keeping the scene setup (camera, lights,
etc) in some other file?

3) Does anyone have a feeling about which file format is the most common to
use in games projects using openscenegraph? Could it be collada perhaps?

Erik Lovlie
osg-users mailing list

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