Hi All,

I asked this question a couple of weeks ago, and Paul and others were kind 
enough to offer some advice, but I'm still having problems so I thought I would 
reword it a little to see if it sparks any more ideas with the forum.

The issue I have is that I have an ActiveX control that wraps the OSG 
functionality - well the bits I want. This control loads 3DS models, applies 
textures (targas and jpegs), and all this occurs over the internet. Clearly for 
this to be working the osgdb_net,  osgdb_jpg, osgdb_3ds and osgdb_tga plugins 
must all be loading correctly, and indeed they are.

I now come to the issue which is that I would like to be able to save a ".ive" 
file. I can save (thanks to Roberts help) a ".osg" file with all the 
information I need for OSGViewer to display the scene, however I thought it 
would be good to look at saving the equivalent ".ive" format. The issue that I 
have is that when I tell OSG to save the ".ive" file it eventually gets to the 

DynamicLibrary::HANDLE DynamicLibrary::getLibraryHandle( const std::string& 

and fails to load the osgdb_ive.dll file. The curious thing is that the file is 
exactly where all the other dll's are, and the path that the LoadLibrary 
function uses is the path to the dll. In the previous post I made I was trying 
to load the osgdb_flt.dll and this also failed. I now have the same problem 
with at least two plugin dlls and I don't see what the difference is.

Can anyone shed some light on this please ?

I think it might be to do with dll dependencies that may not be loaded but I 
can't see why.

Many thanks

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