Hi Robert -- I'm making good progress on the OpenFlight exporter plugin and
wanted to bounce a couple ideas off you.
There is a customer requirement to be able to preserve the OpenFlight Object
record flags that indicate "don't display at night", "don't display at day",
etc. Currently, the importer ignores these flags and just creates an
osg::Group for an OpenFlight Object record. I'm thinking about saving these
flags as UserData on the osg::Group.
This brings about the question: Will there be two separate OpenFlight
plugins, one for import and one for export? This is the way I had originally
envisioned it, but there is an issue with the osgDB not (fully) supporting
two plugins for one extension; the only way I've found to get it to work is
to explicitly load one of the plugins first.
If the import and export are separate plugins, then this complicates sharing
data structures such as the proposed UserData to preserve FLT Object flags.
If the two plugins should be combined, then I should probably get to work on
this now to save me work in the future.
Paul Martz
Skew Matrix Software LLC
http://www.skew-matrix.com <http://www.skew-matrix.com/> 
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