What version of Delta3d are you using? Also, this question may be better
suited for the Delta3d forums http://www.delta3d.org/forum/index.php

On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 5:06 AM, Kama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Hi, all,
> In OSGViewerMFC MDI or SDI, it begin a thread in OnInitialUpdate() of
> MFC_View:
> *" mThreadHandle = (HANDLE)_beginthread(&COSG::Render, 0, mOSG)" ,*
> and in *Render(void* ptr)* function, it  likes this:
> * while(!viewer->done())
>  {
>       osg->PreFrameUpdate();
>       viewer->frame();
>       osg->PostFrameUpdate();
>  }*
> **
> Well, if i do it with Delta3d in MFC SDI, how to put the Delta3d's
> function corresponding to make it work like that ?
> I had a try with dtABC::Widget refered to the example "testWidget", then i
> made it like this :
> 1. class MyWidget : public dtABC::Widget
> 2. void MyWidget::InitWinData(HWND hwnd, int x, int y, int w, int h)
> {
>   dtABC::WinData windata( hwnd, x, y, w, h );
>   SendMessage( dtABC::Widget::msgWindowData, &windata );
>              SendMessage( "setpath", &path );
>              SendMessage( "loadfile", &m_ModelFile );
> }
> 3. void MyWidget::Render(void* ptr)
>     {
>     // I don't konw witch function i should put here!
>     }
> 4.void CD3DMFCView::OnInitialUpdate()
>     {
>          CView::OnInitialUpdate();
>          m_MyViewWidget->InitWinData();
>    // Here, should i begin a thread like OSGViewerMFC does in its
> OnInitialUpdate() ?
>    // m_ThreadHandle = (HANDLE)_beginthread(&MyWidget::Render, 0,
> m_MyViewWidget); ????????
>     }
> Thank you indeed for your patient....
> Best regardes !!!
> 2008-03-31
> ------------------------------
> Kama
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