 I think we have discussed this issue before.
I also not familiar with the general framework use of SetState, I myself
implemented solution similar to that of JS with the exception that I
activated the glDrawBuffer extension in the apply method of the FBO. I
also made another difference, I didn't use vector for the draw buffers,
but counted the attachments of different color buffers, and only if
those were greater than one, applied the drawBuffers extension.

But I thought to myself, is it true to use it ONLY when FBO's are on?
I'm not familiar enough with attachments when not using FBO (like
PBuffer or maybe in the future there will be separate frame buffers for
separate screens) and this returns the location of applying the
extension back to the RanderStage as JS did. (That's why I was quiet
until now :) )

Now, suppose I do understand a little about SetStates, this is not
applicable here since if there is more than one color buffer attachment
you must use the extension, and if not, there is no point in using the
extension, so why let the user set the state?

What I think should be done is instead of adding the
setDrawBuffers(BuffersVec) method, in the RenderStage setUpCamera
function one should count the attachments to different color buffers and
decide whether to use the extension or not, and in the InnerDraw apply
the extension according to the flag found in the setUpCamera.

Besides that I think JS has done very nice work. Bravo. (or cheers or as
we say in Israel "Kifak-Hey") :)


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of J.P.
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 2:57 PM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] Multiple Render Targets - Request

Hi Art,

Art Tevs wrote:
> Hi J.P.
> I am also using MRT, however completely without
> osg::Camera.
Yes, I've compiled osgPPU and ran the examples; cannot say that I fully 
understand the code yet :)

> However since I am working with FBOs directly I would
> prefer to have something like an extra StateAttribute
> or something which should setup the MRT. Or maybe the
> setDrawBuffers as an extra method in the FBO code.
> I think having the MRT (enable/disable) as a
> StateAttribute would be the more general way. However
> this would probably require some extra changing in the
> RenderStage or wherever to detect that extra
> StateAttribute. 
> What do you think, guys?

I think having the MRT selection going through FBO-class could be a good

option. However, I do not know how to add the StateAttribute. We might 
need an enable/disable and setDrawbuffers, or can a StateAttribute take 
a vector? I do not know how to pass the vector of render targets using 
an attribute?


At the moment I have:

Camera->setDrawBuffers(vec) - this sets the intention to use MRT and 
also passes the list of targets.

RenderStage->runCameraSetup - this queries the camera for the buffers, 
and if there are any, creates a vector of GLenums.

RenderStage->drawInner - The existence of the target vector is used to 
determine if MRT is enabled. glDrawBuffers is called using the vector.


I think what you propose is:


RenderStage->runCameraSetup - since this creates the FBO anyway, it 
might as well pass the camera settings regarding MRT to the FBO. Maybe 
using _fbo->setDrawBuffers.

RenderStage->drawInner - instead of checking the member _drawBuffers, 
query the FBO to determine if MRT should be enabled and also get the 
list of targets from the FBO.


This could work, and I can probably integrate it into the patch, but I'm

not sure how you get your FBOs into renderstage at present.

Also, how do you control the reading back of textures/images? At the 
moment the readback attachment map is also setup in camera. Would this 
also need to be moved?

> Cheers,
> Art


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