Robert Osfield wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 2:31 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     Allright.. I didn't know that was the standard, allways used and
>     seen ".h" used. :)
> The problems with standards is that  their are jut so many to choose 
> from...  .h is most common for C++ simply from C heritage, but in the 
> early days of C++ loads of others sprung up in the absence of any clear 
> definition so .H, .hxx, .hpp and many other variants all turn up in the 
> wild, there a many of these convoluted variations none of which really 
> make any sense once you take a step back.  When Standard C++ finally 
> made it out it didn't use any of these convoluted attempts at something 
> different from C's .h, rather it just dropped the extension entirely.
> Compilers just open files that are specified via #include without making 
> any assumptions, so you can use absolutely anything you want, you could 
> use .CPlusPlusHeaderFile  if you wished and it'll still compile.  Back 
> in the late nineties I made the choice about extensionless header for 
> the OSG as it aligns itself with what the Standard C++ headers 
> convention, rather than going for one of the many  
> .yetanotherabitaryc++headerextensions that were proliferating at the time. 
> Back then I wouldn't have thought that it'd take more than a decade for 
> IDE's to automatically realise that an extension C++ header file is a 
> C++ header file.... for all the sophistication of modern software some 
> really dumb arse things aren't possible...

Indeed... though the real problem for me is the occasional command line 
grep... it gets really convoluted to create a find + grep command that 
will accurately search only C and headers.

The directory structure helps a lot there, though.
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