Hi All,

Not sure if I've got the correct title for this question, but hopefully the 
forum might be able to help. 

Suppose that I wish to model a complete office in OSG. The office is on two 
floors, the downstairs split into many rooms, the upstairs open plan. Desks, 
computers, windows, doors and everything that you would find in an office needs 
to be modelled, down to the pencil on the desk and the clutter in the corner.

Resource wise we are talking potentially a few thousand models, each with two 
LOD's, all with highly detailed, high resolution textures, and many many 
facets. In fact the design is so big that I can't load it all into memory.

What are my options ?

My client won't accept any delay in transiting from one area of a design to the 
next. So multiple design files for the individual areas seems a non starter, 
unless someone can tell me how I could do this without a delay moving from one 
area to the next. Some form of preemptive loading springs to mind, but is there 
an existing mechanism within OSG for handling that sort of thing ?

My thoughts led to the database pager, but I haven't used this at all, and 
would hate to start looking at it only to find a few weeks later that it really 
isn't suitable for my needs.

Can anyone suggest an approach given the constraints please ?

Many thanks


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