i have some custom classes which inherits from osg::Drawable, and is inserted 
into an osg::Geode but nothing renders.

I have implemented the drawImplementation(osg::RenderInfo & renderInfo) method 
to do some custom OpenGL rendering calls. I found that useDisplayList is 
initially true which caused drawImplementation to be called and creating a 
display list, but i need it to be false since i update some glTranslate params. 
When i set the Drawable's _useDisplay List to false, the drawImplementation is 
not called at all. I also overrided the computeBound() method of the Drawable's 
to create a max bounding box(min==FLT_MIN) ( when is computeBound() method 
called btw? before culling if not allready set?) i call it in the constructor 
just to be sure its set. I notice Geode also has a _bounding box, but i guess 
this is calculated from the Drawable's bounding box.

Do you have any advice on how what i am doing wrong? ( i know i should probably 
use the scenegraph a lot different but im only prototyping at this point..)

Thanks in advance.


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