After using GLintercept, I've discovered that the error was caused by the 
initializeExtensionProcs() function in State.cpp and has been fixed in 
OpenSceneGraph 2.3.3.

> Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 11:10:09 +0100> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: 
> osg-users@lists.openscenegraph.org> Subject: Re: [osg-users] open scene graph 
> 2.2 Warning: detected OpenGL error> > Hi Cg,> > 2008/4/16 CG <[EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]>:> > osgviewerGLUT gives the same error. It only happen for 
> OpenSceneGraph 2.2,> > the error goes away when I use OpenSceneGraph 1.2. 
> I've updated my video> > driver but the error still persists.> > The main 
> difference between 1.2 and 2.2 will be osgViewer vs> osgProducer/Producer so 
> this is the most likely source of problem.> > This type of problem is hard to 
> track down, and very likely is an> OpenGL/glw driver problem. I'm afraid 
> since you have a system that> reproduces it, and others like myself don't you 
> are actual the one> best placed to track it down.> > The way of tracking the 
> down the problem I'd use would be to capture> all glw+OpenGL calls via a tool 
> like glDebugger and capture it for> something like osgviewer glider.osg for 
> both 1.2 and 
 2.x and then look> at the differences in the OpenGL/glw calls made.> > Once we 
know the differences we should be able to work out how to> tweak the 
window/OpenGL setup in osgViewer to avoid the problems under> Intel drivers.> > 
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