
I have an OSG application that uses joysticks, and I use SDL 
for those. But I also need a mouse and keyboard and use 
(today) OSG for that. Sometimes it's a bit messy to do 
this, because when there is no joystick connected I fall 
back to the mouse, and the interface is very different (one 
is a SDL_JOYSTICk and the other an osgEventHandler). I'd 
like to handle mouse and joystick from the same interface, 
so either make both of them through SDL or both of them an 

Wouldn't it be more coherent to use SDL for all input ?
But then, I need to create the window with SDL, and embed 
the osgViewer inside this window. Is this a reliable way to 
do things ? Because if I create the window with OSG, SDL 
doesn't "see" the mouse and keyboard.

Or, is there a way to make an osgEventHandler from a 
SDL_JOYSTICK interface ? There is an osgviewerSDL in the 
examples (v2.3.4) but this is for an embedded OSG viewer 
inside an SDL window... would those work with a joystick ?

Any suggestions ?



PS: the application in question is a flight simulator:



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