
please forgive my english...

I'm developping an interractive application where people's movement affect
the content of a 3D scene. Somewhere in the appication, when people move,
planty of small insects appears and follow their hands. I modelized these
insects by a small square plane on wich I apply a sequence of PNG image to
give them life. I use texture rectangle to display the images. I made my own
class that manage the sequence of PNG images. So when I make a call to
MyOwnStreamingClass.getNextFrameToDisplay(), it returns me the next image to

To change the image of the textureRectangle of each insect, I do the
following :

--   AInsectTextureRectangle.setImage(
MyOwnStreamingClass.getNextFrameToDisplay() );

But this way, I got a memory leak. I tought that a call to texture.setImage
would delete the last image and replace it by the new one., but it don't
seems to.
So I try another way to change the image :

--   osg::Image* nextImage = MyOwnStreamingClass.getNextFrameToDisplay();

--   osg::Image* textureImage = AInsectTextureRectangle.getImage();
--   textureImage.setImage( ...,   ...,  nextImage .data(), ... );

But it doesn't work either, in fact I got a runtime error this way.

So I would like too know how I should proceed ?

The PNG images are of size 40x40 and a sequence is made of 100 images. I can
have like 50 insects at the same time in the scene.

Thanks in advance

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