El Martes 13 Mayo 2008ES 13:59:45 lucas Grijander escribió:
> Dear all,
> I'm having a problem when importing an OBJ model. I load the v positions
> (vertices), the indices and the vn positions (normals). Then I create a
> geometry with these data. I'm having a bad result (see image attached), it
> is like the normals are not well defined. I have the same vertices as
> normals, so I define the normal array as:
> mesh->setNormalArray( &n );
> mesh->setNormalBinding( osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX );
> Does anyone has an idea of what could be the problem?
> thanks

Your normals are wrong. Some are pointing out of the mesh while the rest 
aren't, that's why you get dark zones. OSG loads OBJ files 
(osgDB::readNodeFile), so there is no need of loading the file by yourself.
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