Hi Robert,

Thank you for your help. In fact, the window size (of the RenderSurface) changes every frame. So I adapt the viewport (of the sceneView) size. The Model also changes. In fact I try to render the mesh to get a texture. I adapt the size of the viewport and window in function of the size of the model. But I found a solution, maybe it is not the best but it works : I create a Producer::RenderSurface with a size 1024*1024. Its size does'nt change whereas the size of the sceneView changes. The pictures I got are correct. It may be I mistake from myself but I do not know where it came from.

Thank you.

Hi Sebastien,

What size is changing????  Window size?  Model size? Viewport size???
The length of a piece of string?


On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 5:27 PM, Sébastien Laigre
Hi !

 In order to do rasterization, I create a Producer::RenderSurface and a
osg::SceneView. The problem is that its size is changing very often (maybe
10 times/second). If I let the size constant, images are corrects but as
soon as the size changes, images are correct on the bottom-left corner and
the alpha channel is equal to zero else. Sizes of the RenderSurface and
SceneView are the same. Have you got any idea of where it can com from ? How
can I fix it ?

 Thank in advance.


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