again the question, In front of my bump Map i got an opacity map. Bump map 
works. Opacity maps works also. But on the transparent areas in my opacity map, 
I cannot see the Bumpmap instead of that the I the background color is 
displayed. Here is an excerpt of the osg File:

Group {
  nodeMask 0xffffffff
  cullingActive TRUE
  num_children 2
  Geode {
    UniqueID Geode_0
    name "MyName"
    nodeMask 0xffffffff
    cullingActive TRUE
    num_drawables 1
    Geometry {
      StateSet {
        DataVariance DYNAMIC
          rendering_hint DEFAULT_BIN
          renderBinMode INHERIT
          GL_CULL_FACE ON
          GL_LIGHTING ON
           GL_DEPTH_TEST ON
           GL_BLEND ON
        Material {
          name "mmaterial"
          ColorMode OFF
          ambientColor 0.2 0.2 0.2 1
          diffuseColor 0.8 0.8 0.8 1
          specularColor 0 0 0 1
          emissionColor 0 0 0 1
          shininess 0
     textureUnit 0 {
          GL_TEXTURE_2D ON
          Texture2D {
            file "my OpacityMap"
            wrap_s REPEAT
            wrap_t REPEAT
            wrap_r REPEAT
            min_filter LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST
            mag_filter LINEAR
            maxAnisotropy 1
            borderColor 0 0 0 0
            borderWidth 0
            useHardwareMipMapGeneration TRUE
            unRefImageDataAfterApply FALSE
            internalFormatMode USE_IMAGE_DATA_FORMAT
            resizeNonPowerOfTwo TRUE
    osgFX::BumpMapping {
    nodeMask 0xffffffff
    cullingActive TRUE
    num_children 1
    Geode {
      UniqueID Geode_1
      name "MyBumpMap"
      nodeMask 0xffffffff
      cullingActive TRUE
      num_drawables 1
      Geometry {
        StateSet {
          rendering_hint DEFAULT_BIN
          renderBinMode INHERIT
          Material {
            name "bmaterial"
            ColorMode OFF
            ambientColor 0.2 0.2 0.2 1
            diffuseColor 0.8 0.8 0.8 1
            specularColor 0 0 0 1
            emissionColor 0 0 0 1
            shininess 0
          textureUnit 0 {
            GL_TEXTURE_2D OFF
            Texture2D {
              file "mytextureFile"
              wrap_s REPEAT
              wrap_t REPEAT
              wrap_r REPEAT
              min_filter LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST
              mag_filter LINEAR
              maxAnisotropy 1
              borderColor 0 0 0 0
              borderWidth 0
              useHardwareMipMapGeneration TRUE
              unRefImageDataAfterApply FALSE
              internalFormatMode USE_IMAGE_DATA_FORMAT
              resizeNonPowerOfTwo TRUE
    enabled TRUE
        selectedTechnique AUTO_DETECT
        lightNumber 0
        diffuseUnit 1
        normalMapUnit 0
        Texture2D {
          UniqueID Texture2D_3
          file "textureFile"
          wrap_s REPEAT
          wrap_t REPEAT
          wrap_r CLAMP
          min_filter LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR
          mag_filter LINEAR
          maxAnisotropy 8
          borderColor 0 0 0 0
          borderWidth 0
          useHardwareMipMapGeneration TRUE
          unRefImageDataAfterApply FALSE
          internalFormatMode USE_IMAGE_DATA_FORMAT
          resizeNonPowerOfTwo TRUE
       Texture2D {
          UniqueID Texture2D_4
          file "BumoMaP"
          wrap_s REPEAT
          wrap_t REPEAT
          wrap_r CLAMP
          min_filter LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR
          mag_filter LINEAR
          maxAnisotropy 8
          borderColor 0 0 0 0
          borderWidth 0
          useHardwareMipMapGeneration TRUE
          unRefImageDataAfterApply FALSE
          internalFormatMode USE_IMAGE_DATA_FORMAT
          resizeNonPowerOfTwo TRUE

Any Ideas?? What is wrong???

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