Hi Viggo,

On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 12:34 PM, Viggo Løvli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What about adding an array of states or shaders to a node?
> This would make it possible to hold multiple shaders in one node and index
> them differently depending on what camera you use.
> Is that a good idea for the future?

I've wondering about making it possible to have a composite StateSe to
provide switch and layer functionality, but have never tackled this as
it complicates the basic API quite a bit for functionality that only a
very small proportion of users will ever require.

That being said, I do see value in having the OSG better support the
type of usage you are putting it through, we just have to strive for a
solution that is not intrusive to rest of the OSG.

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