Hi Robert,


  osgprecipitation textured_box.osg
  osgprecipitation non_textured_box.osg

Work just fine for me, with SVN version of the OSG.  Note, there has
been a shader related bug fix to GLObjectVistor that may well have a
baring on this issue.
Did you change the vbo lines in the PrecipitationEffect.cpp?
As for VBO/non VBO on objects in the scene, this should have
absolutely no effect on the precipitation, suggesting either a bug on
the OSG side or a driver bug.  Could you try out the SVN version of
the OSG to see if this fixes things.
Sure, will do it right away.

Talk to you later,



I am diving deep into the precipitation and trying out things (osg 2.4.0,
win xp, MS Visual Studio 2005 SP1). One of the things I did is to disable
the usage of vbos, in lines 480, 487 and 494:

When I do so, the precip is not drawn properly at all anymore, and it
depends if a load a textured or non-textured object (see the attached models
+ image):
- non-textured: box rendered ok, no precip at all although it seems to be
rendered judging from the performance
- textured: box rendered ok, precip is rendered not right at all (seems like
large polygons or so)

So the general question is: should I be able to disable vbo at all times? I
expected this would be possible (resulting in a performance penalty of
course). If so, there is an issue somewhere... I don't know where, although
I spent many hours on this.

Thanks a lot

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