Hi John,

On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 10:24 AM, John Vidar Larring
> Please excuse my ignorance, but osgdem produces pagedLOD databases per
> default, doesn't it? At least, the top node of my terrain database start out
> like this:

Yes by default VPB creates paged databases.  You're ascii except
confirms that you have a paged database too, so... we need next to
look at why....

> 1 sec. vs. 16 sec. makes a big difference! OK, I am running my tests on a
> laptop, but it has the following specs: Intel Duo T7300, GeForce 8600m GT
> 512MB, 2GB Memory, running CentOS 4.6 (a.k.a RHEL 4). So unless you've spent
> a fortune on hardware, I don't think hardware differences alone can explain
> the difference.
> What could potentially contribute to this difference in update time. Any
> ideas?

I have a Intel quad core 2.4GHz machine with 4GB of memory and a
7800GT.  The update is done single threaded in this case so the extra
cores should make no difference.

Could it be that I have compiled the OSG uses a release build and
you've compiled debug, or not enabled the release build.  If you run
ccmake . or cmake . for the first time instead of ./configure it'll
not enable the release build, so perhaps this has caught you out.
Unfortunately I haven't spotted a way of forcing cmake to default to
release build, so I wrote the ./configure script to enable the release
build.  Have a look at the script it's just a one liner.

>> FYI, the thing that will be taking all the time in the generation will
>> be the display lists/texture object update.  Making osgTerrain a bit
>> more intelligent about it's updates it would be possible to just
>> update the existing vertices and normals when changing the scale,
>> something that would be much cheaper.  The dirty/update mechinism
>> would have to be alot more sophisticated though.  Long term this is
>> where osgTerrain is heading, right now its very much in its infancy.
> Thanks, this is very useful information. I'll see what I might figure out
> when, and if, I get the time. But I'll certainly keep a watchful eye on any
> VPB svn updates;)

The suggested changes to osgTerrain are unrelated to changes to VPB,
so it's osgTerrain itself you'll want to keep a watchful eye on in
addition to VPB which itself will have its own development path.

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