Hi Timo,

I have never tried this first hand so can't comment with great wisdom,
best I can do is guess.  Destructing the osgDB::Registry in the way
you have "should" close all the OSG plugins that have been loaded.  In
your instance a destrucutor of a core OSG node is crashing, which
suggest to me that something like the core osg library has been
unloaded before osgDB::Registry::instance() has been destroyed.  Might
this be the case?

The best I can suggest is that you shut down all OSG released threads,
then unload the plugins, then the viewer then NodeKits then core osg
libries such osgDB then osgUtil then osg.


On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 1:41 PM, Timo Penndorf
> Hello,
> for my application I have written an osg plugin which is loaded
> dynamically via dl_open. This plugin is linked against the osg
> libraries and adds visualisation capabilities to my application.
> At application shutdown I remove all loaded plugins by dl_close.
> As the osg plugin is the only one linked against the osg libraries
> they are removed from address space ass well after removing the
> plugin.
> So my application runs into trouble at __cxa_finalize(). There
> are still some osg::ref_ptr objects in adress space but the
> code for the destructors is removed already. I suppose the
> osg::ref_ptr objects which are alive at __cxa_finalize are
> static objects (for instance) from singletons.
> I tried to clean up then osgDB::Registry manually by invoking
> osgDB::Registry::instance(true) but there are still some cases
> where the application runs into core dumps.
> Is there a chance to remove static objects to prevent my application
> from producing segmentation faults?
> Timo
> The  gdb output:
> #0  0x00000000 in ?? ()
> (gdb) up
> #1  0x003ba6d3 in osg::Referenced::unref (this=0x8bb3c28)
>    at /usr/include/osg/Referenced:142
> 142             OpenThreads::ScopedLock<OpenThreads::Mutex>
> lock(*_refMutex);
> (gdb) up
> #2  0x039bf129 in osg::OcclusionQueryNode::~OcclusionQueryNode$delete ()
>   from /usr/lib/libosg.so.35
> (gdb) up
> #3  0x00a6ade9 in osgDB::DotOsgWrapper::~DotOsgWrapper$delete ()
>   from /usr/lib/libosgDB.so.35
> (gdb) up
> #4  0x0502e6fc in ?? () from /usr/lib/osgPlugins-2.4.0/osgdb_osg.so
> (gdb) up
> #5  0x006fe907 in __cxa_finalize () from /lib/libc.so.6
> (gdb) up
> #6  0x04ff8dd4 in ?? () from /usr/lib/osgPlugins-2.4.0/osgdb_osg.so
> (gdb) up
> #7  0x0506ff20 in ?? () from /usr/lib/osgPlugins-2.4.0/osgdb_osg.so
> (gdb) up
> #8  0x00000050 in ?? ()
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