
I'm having problems writing Collada files. This is what I'm doing (I'm
reading a Collada file and then try to save it again):

--------- source code
// Attempt to load file into scene.
string fileName(arguments[1]);
notify(INFO) << "Loading " << fileName << "...\n";
ref_ptr<Node> scene = readNodeFile(fileName);
if(scene.get()==NULL) {
        notify(FATAL) << "Loading " << fileName << " failed.\n";
        return 1;
notify(INFO) << fileName << " successfully loaded.\n";

// Save a Collada version of the file.
string outCollada("test.dae");

notify(INFO) << "Exiting successfully.\n";
--------- source code

This is what I'm getting:

--------- output
Loading teapot.DAE...
Opened DynamicLibrary osgPlugins-2.5.0/mingw_osgdb_dae.dll
ReaderWriterDAE( "teapot.DAE" )
URI loaded: file:///C:/test/teapot.DAE
Error writing file test.dae: Warning: Could not find plugin to write
nodes to file "test.dae".
teapot.DAE successfully loaded.
Exiting successfully.
Closing DynamicLibrary osgPlugins-2.5.0/mingw_osgdb_dae.dll
--------- output

It appears it can find the Collada library for read access (and it
loads properly, I checked it) but not for write access. It works fine
for other file formats (e.g. .obj). What could be the problem here?

This is my configuration:


ps. Are the notify() messages buffered? That would explain why the
error message is output before the info message.
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