
tested it on a MacBook with OSX 10.5 and intel cpu, this is the first of the seveal errors. I have no idea of how to use cmake so I just copied the provided files and tried to run ./configure. I you could give me any advice of how to use cmake correctly I will provide further tries.

CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
INSTALL TARGETS given unknown argument "BUNDLE".

Robert (another one ;) )

Eric Sokolowsky schrieb:
I have made a number of changes intended to get a few things working better on OSX. However, since I'm still pretty new at Mac development and cmake I'm not entirely certain that the changes I have made are benign on other platforms. I have tested these changes on Leopard with CMake 2.6 generating Xcode 3.0 projects, compiling on ppc and i386 for 10.5 and 10.4, and on Linux (CentOS) and everything still seems to work ok. Here are the changes I made (against OSG svn as of this afternoon):

- Added osgviewerCocoa example to APPLE builds
- Fixed corrupt Xcode project generation with CMake 2.6 dealing with ADD_DEFINITIONS and CMake Policy CMP0005 on Leopard - Resolved CMP0006 warning for examples and programs by setting BUNDLE DESTINATION to same as RUNTIME DESTINATION with CMake 2.6
- Fixed freetype plugin on Leopard to avoid OpenGL linking problem
- Figured out how to use a custom Info.plist included in the project (see osgviewerCocoa application CMakeLists.txt)

If anyone is willing to test these changes before I make a formal submission, I'd appreciate it. I have named the files so that the hypen character ("-") should be replaced by the slash character ("/") when placing in the OSG source hierarchy. This was necessary as several of the changed files all have the same filename, just different locations.



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