On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 10:59 PM, Mike Weiblen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is that by intent or oversight?  Seems like a risky mix of usemodels.

It's intent.  In general all refernce counted objects should have a
protected destructor, forcing developers to correctly create the
objects on the heap using new, rather on the stack as this would then
break the memory managment - as objects on the stack always get
deleted when they go out of scope no matter if you reference count
them or not.   The rule for almost all OSG objects is they correctly
have protected destrucutor.

So why the exception to this rule.  Two key exceptions are NodeVisitor
and Viewer/CompositeViewer.  So why???  Pragmatism, sometimes this
classes you'll want to create on the heap and share instances of them,
other times you just want to create a NodeVisitor or Viewer in local
scope - here forcing the use of ref_ptr<> etc just makes more code for
users to write for no gain.

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