Can someone please explain the MixinVector change and why it was necessary?
Also, please explain the name "MixinVector" -- what, exactly, is a "Mixin"?
If this is a design pattern, I must admit I'm not familiar with it.
I checked the archives and I see no discussion of this change, not even the
submission. I see only Robert's change log post when requesting 2.5.3
testing, which shows this change was added on June 19.
I can see that the change apparently fixes some memory leaks. Are there test
cases that reproduce the problem? If so, can someone post them?
If it seems that I'm overly concerned, it is because I feel that one of
OSG's strengths is its reliance on STL. So, changes that move OSG away from
STL worry me a bit. This change replaces a well-tested std::vector with a
completely new MixinVector and therefore invalidates all testing on OSG's
Array classes done over the past 10 years.
Paul Martz
Skew Matrix Software LLC <> 
+1 303 859 9466
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