Hi Robert,

Ideally should have data throughout your model to define all the
heights you require, if you have holes then all you can come if with
is an acceptable fudge for what this missing data might be.

I know, I know... :-) I work with what our client provided, so I have to fill in the gaps myself.

the easist way to provide this fudge would be to create a single dummy
DEM that covers the entire region and matches the elevations of the
tiles you have.  The actual data would then act is a high res inserts
to this base level DEM.

Yes, that was the second option I mentioned.

Any hints as to how to do that? I have the FWTools distribution, which includes all gdal binaries, but if there's another tool that I could use, please point me in the right direction.

Ideally, I would like the base terrain to conform to the inserts at the edges of said inserts, instead of having "steps" around the inserts... So the tool used would probably need to interpolate between the tiles.

I tried using gdal_merge.py, currently waiting for the terrain to generate from the result of that (I can't use --TERRAIN, so it takes a while)... But it doesn't interpolate, it just puts either NODATA or a value you specify.

Anyways, thanks for confirming my intuition.

Jean-Sebastien Guay    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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