Hi Guys, I have tweaked the LineSegmenetIntersector::intersectAndClip() method so that it expands the bb being intersected against by 1e-4 in all directions. This works for the tests that I've done at my end. However, I would appreciate testing elsewhere before I do a checkin, the modified file is attached.
Thanks, Robert.
/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Robert Osfield * * This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or * (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file * included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details. */ #include <osgUtil/LineSegmentIntersector> #include <osg/Geometry> #include <osg/Notify> #include <osg/io_utils> #include <osg/TriangleFunctor> #include <osg/KdTree> #include <osg/Timer> using namespace osgUtil; namespace LineSegmentIntersectorUtils { struct TriangleIntersection { TriangleIntersection(unsigned int index, const osg::Vec3& normal, float r1, const osg::Vec3* v1, float r2, const osg::Vec3* v2, float r3, const osg::Vec3* v3): _index(index), _normal(normal), _r1(r1), _v1(v1), _r2(r2), _v2(v2), _r3(r3), _v3(v3) {} unsigned int _index; const osg::Vec3 _normal; float _r1; const osg::Vec3* _v1; float _r2; const osg::Vec3* _v2; float _r3; const osg::Vec3* _v3; }; typedef std::multimap<float,TriangleIntersection> TriangleIntersections; struct TriangleIntersector { osg::Vec3 _s; osg::Vec3 _d; float _length; int _index; float _ratio; bool _hit; TriangleIntersections _intersections; TriangleIntersector() { _length = 0.0f; _index = 0; _ratio = 0.0f; _hit = false; } void set(const osg::Vec3d& start, osg::Vec3d& end, float ratio=FLT_MAX) { _hit=false; _index = 0; _ratio = ratio; _s = start; _d = end - start; _length = _d.length(); _d /= _length; } inline void operator () (const osg::Vec3& v1,const osg::Vec3& v2,const osg::Vec3& v3, bool treatVertexDataAsTemporary) { ++_index; if (v1==v2 || v2==v3 || v1==v3) return; osg::Vec3 v12 = v2-v1; osg::Vec3 n12 = v12^_d; float ds12 = (_s-v1)*n12; float d312 = (v3-v1)*n12; if (d312>=0.0f) { if (ds12<0.0f) return; if (ds12>d312) return; } else // d312 < 0 { if (ds12>0.0f) return; if (ds12<d312) return; } osg::Vec3 v23 = v3-v2; osg::Vec3 n23 = v23^_d; float ds23 = (_s-v2)*n23; float d123 = (v1-v2)*n23; if (d123>=0.0f) { if (ds23<0.0f) return; if (ds23>d123) return; } else // d123 < 0 { if (ds23>0.0f) return; if (ds23<d123) return; } osg::Vec3 v31 = v1-v3; osg::Vec3 n31 = v31^_d; float ds31 = (_s-v3)*n31; float d231 = (v2-v3)*n31; if (d231>=0.0f) { if (ds31<0.0f) return; if (ds31>d231) return; } else // d231 < 0 { if (ds31>0.0f) return; if (ds31<d231) return; } float r3; if (ds12==0.0f) r3=0.0f; else if (d312!=0.0f) r3 = ds12/d312; else return; // the triangle and the line must be parallel intersection. float r1; if (ds23==0.0f) r1=0.0f; else if (d123!=0.0f) r1 = ds23/d123; else return; // the triangle and the line must be parallel intersection. float r2; if (ds31==0.0f) r2=0.0f; else if (d231!=0.0f) r2 = ds31/d231; else return; // the triangle and the line must be parallel intersection. float total_r = (r1+r2+r3); if (total_r!=1.0f) { if (total_r==0.0f) return; // the triangle and the line must be parallel intersection. float inv_total_r = 1.0f/total_r; r1 *= inv_total_r; r2 *= inv_total_r; r3 *= inv_total_r; } osg::Vec3 in = v1*r1+v2*r2+v3*r3; if (!in.valid()) { osg::notify(osg::WARN)<<"Warning:: Picked up error in TriangleIntersect"<<std::endl; osg::notify(osg::WARN)<<" ("<<v1<<",\t"<<v2<<",\t"<<v3<<")"<<std::endl; osg::notify(osg::WARN)<<" ("<<r1<<",\t"<<r2<<",\t"<<r3<<")"<<std::endl; return; } float d = (in-_s)*_d; if (d<0.0f) return; if (d>_length) return; osg::Vec3 normal = v12^v23; normal.normalize(); float r = d/_length; if (treatVertexDataAsTemporary) { _intersections.insert(std::pair<const float,TriangleIntersection>(r,TriangleIntersection(_index-1,normal,r1,0,r2,0,r3,0))); } else { _intersections.insert(std::pair<const float,TriangleIntersection>(r,TriangleIntersection(_index-1,normal,r1,&v1,r2,&v2,r3,&v3))); } _hit = true; } }; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // LineSegmentIntersector // LineSegmentIntersector::LineSegmentIntersector(const osg::Vec3d& start, const osg::Vec3d& end): _parent(0), _start(start), _end(end) { } LineSegmentIntersector::LineSegmentIntersector(CoordinateFrame cf, const osg::Vec3d& start, const osg::Vec3d& end): Intersector(cf), _parent(0), _start(start), _end(end) { } LineSegmentIntersector::LineSegmentIntersector(CoordinateFrame cf, double x, double y): Intersector(cf), _parent(0) { switch(cf) { case WINDOW : _start.set(x,y,0.0); _end.set(x,y,1.0); break; case PROJECTION : _start.set(x,y,-1.0); _end.set(x,y,1.0); break; case VIEW : _start.set(x,y,0.0); _end.set(x,y,1.0); break; case MODEL : _start.set(x,y,0.0); _end.set(x,y,1.0); break; } } Intersector* LineSegmentIntersector::clone(osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor& iv) { if (_coordinateFrame==MODEL && iv.getModelMatrix()==0) { osg::ref_ptr<LineSegmentIntersector> lsi = new LineSegmentIntersector(_start, _end); lsi->_parent = this; return lsi.release(); } // compute the matrix that takes this Intersector from its CoordinateFrame into the local MODEL coordinate frame // that geometry in the scene graph will always be in. osg::Matrix matrix; switch (_coordinateFrame) { case(WINDOW): if (iv.getWindowMatrix()) matrix.preMult( *iv.getWindowMatrix() ); if (iv.getProjectionMatrix()) matrix.preMult( *iv.getProjectionMatrix() ); if (iv.getViewMatrix()) matrix.preMult( *iv.getViewMatrix() ); if (iv.getModelMatrix()) matrix.preMult( *iv.getModelMatrix() ); break; case(PROJECTION): if (iv.getProjectionMatrix()) matrix.preMult( *iv.getProjectionMatrix() ); if (iv.getViewMatrix()) matrix.preMult( *iv.getViewMatrix() ); if (iv.getModelMatrix()) matrix.preMult( *iv.getModelMatrix() ); break; case(VIEW): if (iv.getViewMatrix()) matrix.preMult( *iv.getViewMatrix() ); if (iv.getModelMatrix()) matrix.preMult( *iv.getModelMatrix() ); break; case(MODEL): if (iv.getModelMatrix()) matrix = *iv.getModelMatrix(); break; } osg::Matrix inverse; inverse.invert(matrix); osg::ref_ptr<LineSegmentIntersector> lsi = new LineSegmentIntersector(_start * inverse, _end * inverse); lsi->_parent = this; return lsi.release(); } bool LineSegmentIntersector::enter(const osg::Node& node) { return !node.isCullingActive() || intersects( node.getBound() ); } void LineSegmentIntersector::leave() { // do nothing } void LineSegmentIntersector::intersect(osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor& iv, osg::Drawable* drawable) { osg::Vec3d s(_start), e(_end); if ( !intersectAndClip( s, e, drawable->getBound() ) ) return; if (iv.getDoDummyTraversal()) return; #if 0 osg::notify(osg::NOTICE)<<"(_start-_end).length() "<<(_start-_end).length()<<std::endl; osg::notify(osg::NOTICE)<<"(s-e).length() "<<(s-e).length()<<std::endl; double epsilon = 1e-8; if ((s-e).length()<epsilon) { osg::Vec3d delta_e_end = _end - e; osg::Vec3d delta_s_start = _start - s; double scale = 0.1; s += (delta_s_start * scale); e += (delta_e_end * scale); } #endif #if 0 s = _start; e = _end; #endif osg::KdTree* kdTree = iv.getUseKdTreeWhenAvailable() ? dynamic_cast<osg::KdTree*>(drawable->getShape()) : 0; if (kdTree) { osg::KdTree::LineSegmentIntersections intersections; intersections.reserve(4); if (kdTree->intersect(s,e,intersections)) { // osg::notify(osg::NOTICE)<<"Got KdTree intersections"<<std::endl; for(osg::KdTree::LineSegmentIntersections::iterator itr = intersections.begin(); itr != intersections.end(); ++itr) { osg::KdTree::LineSegmentIntersection& lsi = *(itr); // get ratio in s,e range double ratio = lsi.ratio; // remap ratio into _start, _end range double remap_ratio = ((s-_start).length() + ratio * (e-s).length() )/(_end-_start).length(); Intersection hit; hit.ratio = remap_ratio; hit.matrix = iv.getModelMatrix(); hit.nodePath = iv.getNodePath(); hit.drawable = drawable; hit.primitiveIndex = lsi.primitiveIndex; hit.localIntersectionPoint = _start*(1.0-remap_ratio) + _end*remap_ratio; // osg::notify(osg::NOTICE)<<"KdTree: ratio="<<hit.ratio<<" ("<<hit.localIntersectionPoint<<")"<<std::endl; hit.localIntersectionNormal = lsi.intersectionNormal; hit.indexList.reserve(3); hit.ratioList.reserve(3); if (lsi.r0!=0.0f) { hit.indexList.push_back(lsi.p0); hit.ratioList.push_back(lsi.r0); } if (lsi.r1!=0.0f) { hit.indexList.push_back(lsi.p1); hit.ratioList.push_back(lsi.r1); } if (lsi.r2!=0.0f) { hit.indexList.push_back(lsi.p2); hit.ratioList.push_back(lsi.r2); } insertIntersection(hit); } } return; } osg::TriangleFunctor<LineSegmentIntersectorUtils::TriangleIntersector> ti; ti.set(s,e); drawable->accept(ti); if (ti._hit) { osg::Geometry* geometry = drawable->asGeometry(); for(LineSegmentIntersectorUtils::TriangleIntersections::iterator thitr = ti._intersections.begin(); thitr != ti._intersections.end(); ++thitr) { // get ratio in s,e range double ratio = thitr->first; // remap ratio into _start, _end range double remap_ratio = ((s-_start).length() + ratio * (e-s).length() )/(_end-_start).length(); LineSegmentIntersectorUtils::TriangleIntersection& triHit = thitr->second; Intersection hit; hit.ratio = remap_ratio; hit.matrix = iv.getModelMatrix(); hit.nodePath = iv.getNodePath(); hit.drawable = drawable; hit.primitiveIndex = triHit._index; hit.localIntersectionPoint = _start*(1.0-remap_ratio) + _end*remap_ratio; // osg::notify(osg::NOTICE)<<"Conventional: ratio="<<hit.ratio<<" ("<<hit.localIntersectionPoint<<")"<<std::endl; hit.localIntersectionNormal = triHit._normal; if (geometry) { osg::Vec3Array* vertices = dynamic_cast<osg::Vec3Array*>(geometry->getVertexArray()); if (vertices) { osg::Vec3* first = &(vertices->front()); if (triHit._v1) { hit.indexList.push_back(triHit._v1-first); hit.ratioList.push_back(triHit._r1); } if (triHit._v2) { hit.indexList.push_back(triHit._v2-first); hit.ratioList.push_back(triHit._r2); } if (triHit._v3) { hit.indexList.push_back(triHit._v3-first); hit.ratioList.push_back(triHit._r3); } } } insertIntersection(hit); } } } void LineSegmentIntersector::reset() { Intersector::reset(); _intersections.clear(); } bool LineSegmentIntersector::intersects(const osg::BoundingSphere& bs) { // if bs not valid then return true based on the assumption that an invalid sphere is yet to be defined. if (!bs.valid()) return true; osg::Vec3d sm = _start - bs._center; double c = sm.length2()-bs._radius*bs._radius; if (c<0.0) return true; osg::Vec3d se = _end-_start; double a = se.length2(); double b = (sm*se)*2.0; double d = b*b-4.0*a*c; if (d<0.0) return false; d = sqrt(d); double div = 1.0/(2.0*a); double r1 = (-b-d)*div; double r2 = (-b+d)*div; if (r1<=0.0 && r2<=0.0) return false; if (r1>=1.0 && r2>=1.0) return false; // passed all the rejection tests so line must intersect bounding sphere, return true. return true; } bool LineSegmentIntersector::intersectAndClip(osg::Vec3d& s, osg::Vec3d& e,const osg::BoundingBox& bbInput) { osg::Vec3d bb_min(bbInput._min); osg::Vec3d bb_max(bbInput._max); #if 1 double epsilon = 1e-4; bb_min.x() -= epsilon; bb_min.y() -= epsilon; bb_min.z() -= epsilon; bb_max.x() += epsilon; bb_max.y() += epsilon; bb_max.z() += epsilon; #endif // compate s and e against the xMin to xMax range of bb. if (s.x()<=e.x()) { // trivial reject of segment wholely outside. if (e.x()<bb_min.x()) return false; if (s.x()>bb_max.x()) return false; if (s.x()<bb_min.x()) { // clip s to xMin. s = s+(e-s)*(bb_min.x()-s.x())/(e.x()-s.x()); } if (e.x()>bb_max.x()) { // clip e to xMax. e = s+(e-s)*(bb_max.x()-s.x())/(e.x()-s.x()); } } else { if (s.x()<bb_min.x()) return false; if (e.x()>bb_max.x()) return false; if (e.x()<bb_min.x()) { // clip s to xMin. e = s+(e-s)*(bb_min.x()-s.x())/(e.x()-s.x()); } if (s.x()>bb_max.x()) { // clip e to xMax. s = s+(e-s)*(bb_max.x()-s.x())/(e.x()-s.x()); } } // compate s and e against the yMin to yMax range of bb. if (s.y()<=e.y()) { // trivial reject of segment wholely outside. if (e.y()<bb_min.y()) return false; if (s.y()>bb_max.y()) return false; if (s.y()<bb_min.y()) { // clip s to yMin. s = s+(e-s)*(bb_min.y()-s.y())/(e.y()-s.y()); } if (e.y()>bb_max.y()) { // clip e to yMax. e = s+(e-s)*(bb_max.y()-s.y())/(e.y()-s.y()); } } else { if (s.y()<bb_min.y()) return false; if (e.y()>bb_max.y()) return false; if (e.y()<bb_min.y()) { // clip s to yMin. e = s+(e-s)*(bb_min.y()-s.y())/(e.y()-s.y()); } if (s.y()>bb_max.y()) { // clip e to yMax. s = s+(e-s)*(bb_max.y()-s.y())/(e.y()-s.y()); } } // compate s and e against the zMin to zMax range of bb. if (s.z()<=e.z()) { // trivial reject of segment wholely outside. if (e.z()<bb_min.z()) return false; if (s.z()>bb_max.z()) return false; if (s.z()<bb_min.z()) { // clip s to zMin. s = s+(e-s)*(bb_min.z()-s.z())/(e.z()-s.z()); } if (e.z()>bb_max.z()) { // clip e to zMax. e = s+(e-s)*(bb_max.z()-s.z())/(e.z()-s.z()); } } else { if (s.z()<bb_min.z()) return false; if (e.z()>bb_max.z()) return false; if (e.z()<bb_min.z()) { // clip s to zMin. e = s+(e-s)*(bb_min.z()-s.z())/(e.z()-s.z()); } if (s.z()>bb_max.z()) { // clip e to zMax. s = s+(e-s)*(bb_max.z()-s.z())/(e.z()-s.z()); } } // osg::notify(osg::NOTICE)<<"clampped segment "<<s<<" "<<e<<std::endl; // if (s==e) return false; return true; }
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