Hi Bino,

I have no ideas why you trees are floating, too little code available
to really have a go at what might be up.

As for the bounding box/culling.  You could just leave an default
bounding box or disable culling via draw->setCullingActive(false).


On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 7:55 AM, Albino Rodrigues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have implemented SpeedTree4.1 as a custom drawable in OSG2.2. While the
> camera is stationary the trees appear to draw correctly. However once the
> camera moves, the trees rendering (translations?) appears to lag in relation
> to the rest of the scene. Once the camera stops, they "catch up".
> In my test application, I integrate a speedtree forest into a custom
> drawable and have a simple terrain model loaded into a osg::Node. The
> scenegraph has a Group node as the root with the custom drawable and terrain
> as children.
> Screenshot of the scene with a stationary camera: The trees are rendering
> where they were placed. (feel free to admire the programmer art :)
> http://img293.imageshack.us/img293/5408/stationaryrv8.jpg
> Screenshot of the camera being moved down: Once the camera stops, the trees
> will "catch up" and the scene will render correctly like in the above
> screenshot.
> http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/764/lagmq5.jpg
> Implementation details:
> I've adapted my implementation using the reference application that comes
> with speedtree as it suits my needs pretty well. I'm happy to leave LODding
> and culling to speedtree.
> The drawImplementation of my custom drawable:
> (speed tree code is commented out in case it violates the license agreement.
> It's just a line of code.)
> glGetFloatv(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projMat);
> glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelViewMat);
> glPushAttrib(GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS);
> //Draw speedtree forest
> //Update speedtree camera with the camera's position, projMat, modelViewMat
> and false as the final parameter.
> //Update wind
> glPopAttrib();
> renderInfo.getState()->apply(); //needed?
> I set the boundingbox to be
> osg::BoundingBox bbox(0,0,0, 9999999, 9999999, 9999999);
> My rationale behind this is to make a HUGE box so that OSG doesn't try
> culling it. I leave that upto speedtree. Is there a better way?
> Finally, I set this drawable not to use display lists, so that the speedtree
> code called from drawImplementation always gets called.
> I haven't found a good strategy to solve this yet.
> - I've moved around API calls.
> - Look into forcing draw calls.
> - Forced OSG to not use multithreading
> - Prayed to some deity
> My next plan of attack will be to throw in the osgteapot custom drawable
> example and see if the same issue occurs but with teapots.
> Any ideas or thoughts are greatly appreciated.
> Bino
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