
my goal is to prerender a live camera image with several shader and display the results of each shader step.

I have a couple of prerender RTT cameras that have textured geometry quads as children, the shaders are attached to the geometry. The output texture of a camera is the input texture for the next rendered geometry quad. All the cameras are attached to the root:

To display the shader result, I created another geometry quad below the root, with an output texture attached to it. A View is set to the root with a camera observing the result geometry quad. That works fine!

I want to display every shader step in a different window. Hence i created a compositeViewer. (Since i dont know if cameras can do both RTT and normal rendering i did the following:) For each shader output I created an additional geometry quad, textured with the respective texture and attached to the root via a geode.

However, a View attached to that geode does not show the output texture of the shader, but the initialised texture value before the shader wrote to the texture.

How can that be when simultanously the result geometry quad (mentioned above, with no View attached directly) shows the correct output??

Cheers,  Fabian

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