Hello weihe,

i just want to know hoe did you do
 this:"I think I may be able to help a bit regarding the higher-level setup
and bookkeeping changes needed to speed things up on that regard",can you
explain it in detail,thanks very much!

I was referring to *future* benchmarking, profiling and optimization. I have not started on this yet.

And did you compared Robert's kdtree and Adrian's?If you know how did Adrian's data(below) get,please tell me too!

Not yet. I was using intersections heavily in my Masters project, but now that it's over, I have to work at my paid job (which does not use intersection testing that much) and hopefully I'll get some free time to work on this in the near future.

Sorry I can't help more. Also, in the future, please write to the osg-users mailing list for subjects like this, since others might be able to help too.

Jean-Sebastien Guay    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

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