
I had similar dilemma at some point. I was thinking about overridding cull 
visitor but had problem how to substitute original cull visitor with my class 
in the middle of cull traversal. Finally I adopted other approach. Once Cull 
Visitor traverses the scene all drawbles land in render bins. Instead of 
overriding cull visitor I scan generated render bins and compute Bounding box 
around drawables that landed in renderd bins. If you are interested in details  
look at MinimalCullBoundShadowMap code. Its there. 


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Roger James 
  To: OpenSceneGraph Users 
  Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 12:55 PM
  Subject: [osg-users] Simple sunlight shadow technqiue

  I am experimenting with a simple sunlight shadow technique using the 
osgShadow model and basic depth shadows. I would like to set up the shadow 
casting camera so that I end up with a shadow texture that is a near as 
possible "filled" with the shadow casting objects as culled by the LOD nodes in 
the scene using the the inherited viewpoint. It seems to me that the best place 
to set up this bounding information is during the main scene cull traverse that 
is done in my(most) shadow technique prior to the render to shadow texture cull 
traverse. I want to avoid having to manage the placing and removing of cull 
call backs on every shadow casting geode, which may be different as the user 
manipulates the scene. The only way I can think of doing this is to derive my 
own CullVisitor and override the Geode apply function. Have I missed something 
here? Is there a better way to do it? I know the LISP shadow techniques have a 
number of complex ways of doing this but I am trying to implement something 
simple that uses inbuilt OpenGL functionality wherever possible.



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