Another day, another curious example... osgpdf ;-)

In a similar vain to my work on adding vnc support that I did last
week, the volume rendering project also has a need for viewing pdf
documents as a way of mixing presentation text/imagery with 3D volumes
so no I've embarked on adding pdf support directly into the core OSG.
 Last month Jeremy Moles added support for pdf reading to osgCairo so
I knew it was possible, and I also had some code to learn from and
leverage ;-)

So today I embarked on the journey to adding pdf support into the core
OSG.  The first step is just a small example application, but like
osgvnc I plan to distil this down into a plugin so that all
applications can leverage it will little coding effort.  I need to get
a bit more experience with using Poppler/Cairo and also spend a bit
more time thinking about the public interface before I make the
plugin, and I'd also like some feedback from members of the community
on how well osgpdf works at your end.

To compile you'll need to latest OSG from svn/trunk.  Cairo and
Poppler libraries.  These look like they should be available on all
the major platforms, but I've only been able to test under Linux. Once
you have Cairo and Poppler installed re-running CMake should be able
to pick up on Cairo and Poppler and then osgpdf example should
compile.  If you get things working under Windows or OSX could you
please write in with what you had to do to get things installed.

To test osgpdf, simply pass it a pdf document:

  osgpdf mydocument.pdf

Move the mouse of the resulting texture quad and then press 'n' and
'p' to step to next and previous pages.  You can also run it with
multiple documents at once.

  osgpdf *.pdf

I've just tested this 22 documents and it worked just fine, although
each of quads is a bit small on screen to read without zooming in!

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