Hi all,

what would be the most effective way to disable culling for my entire scene?

I am using a fixed orthographic camera looking at the XY plane. I use the Z
axis solely for layering my various nodes which are all 2D as well. All my
nodes are always visible by the camera so culling is (almost) useless. The
stats handler reports the culling operation to be (by a long run) the most
time consuming operation.

So, I wish to disable culling for my entire scene. Is that possible? I tried
the following but it doesn't seem to do anything:

    osgViewer::Viewer viewer;
    viewer.setSceneData( root );
    viewer.setUpViewInWindow( 100, 100, 1024, 768, 0 );

    osgViewer::ViewerBase::Cameras cameras;
    osg::Camera* camera = viewer.getCamera();
    camera->setProjectionMatrixAsOrtho( -512, 512, -384, 384, 0, 20 );
        osg::Vec3d( 0, 0, 100 ),
        osg::Vec3d( 0, 0, 0 ),
        osg::Vec3d( 0, 1, 0 )
    camera->setClearColor(  osg::Vec4d( 0.64, 0.72, 0.78, 1 ) );
    camera->setCullingMode( osg::CullSettings::NO_CULLING );

I assume the solution is very trivial but any help is apreciated!
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