I am trying to use osg::Vec2dArray as follows...

osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec2dArray> v2da = new osg::Vec2dArray;
v2da->push_back(  osg::Vec2d(1.0, 2.0) );
v2da->push_back(  osg::Vec2d(3.0, 4.0) );
v2da->push_back(  osg::Vec2d(5.0, 6.0) );

which I think is correct, but I am not clear as to how to get my data back out....

I tried this:

numElements = v2da->getNumElements();
for(int nElement = 0; nElement < numElements; nElement++)  {
 osg::Vec2d dataPoint = v2da->getDataPointer()[nElement];

but get a compile error.


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